
Raising African Champions of Change.


To have a system where Africans are recognized for their innovations.


To Raise

The bar against mediocrity amongst African youths.

To Create

Awareness amongst young Africans on the need to create change irrespective of their environment or challenges.

To Enliven

The spirit of Africa amongst African youths.

To Encourage

And support African youths who are championing change in their various communities.

The Championing Change initiative is focused on the acceptability of Africa by the rest of the world through talent, and drive by young Africans. The initiative is built on the following pillars:


Bringing education to the doorsteps of Africans. Spurring up young Africans, to take up challenges that inspire change.


Hanging the narrative. Building a new perception of Africa by leading change.


Impacting the society beyond the shores of Africa, and creating a spot for Africa on the globe.


Mobilizing young Africans to champion great initiatives that will spotlight Africa.

Championing Change is a Pan-African platform for young Africans who are bringing their best foot forward, by showcasing their Pan-African initiatives; while also constantly increasing awareness for young Africans to take advantage of their resources in tackling challenges and stereotypes.
Championing Change Africa launched in Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria on the 15th day of October 2022 with a hybrid international conference that hosted some of Africa’s young leaders and innovators as speakers.
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